A mixture of iron with a small amount of carbon gives life to steel, a material that in the right hands gives life to unimaginable shapes and figures. If we apply it to architecture, the effort and work of the team of workers makes possible the birth of metal giants, giants that, with the union of another material such as concrete, allow us to give life to skyscrapers, elements that in large cities we accompany you day after day. And it is thanks to a city as cosmopolitan as New York that these buildings have become popular, exporting the idea to the rest of the world. However, New York was not the pioneer, but nearby Chicago, which gave life to the Home Insurance Building, the first steel and concrete giant in 1884.
Unfortunately, to this day there are only memories and photos of what it was. Dubai is the city that today monopolizes all the prominence in terms of skyscrapers, creating increasingly large and spectacular buildings. This 3d photomural with this design allows us to undress and learn more about these common urban elements, allowing us, in addition to accompanying us and giving life to our city, to do so inside our homes, giving that special touch that only steel is capable of providing. with its cold image, with its spectacular design.